Indra in a nutshell
Indra Moonen (1983) lives and works in Gronsveld (NL), where she has a studio and darkroom at her house. She started her photographic career at the age of 18 by studying for a degree in photography. After that she started working as a freelancer for companies such as:
Eurofins TMFI (forensic photography), Medtronic (events), MUMC+ (medical photography), DarQ (product), Silvercreek (product & campaign), 4 Sure & Partners Makelaardij (real-estate), Qonnect B.V (product)., Brightech (corporate portraits) etc.
Her personal work consists mostly of landscapes where she works with old photographic (printing) techniques in order to emphasize the melancholic feel she wants to convey in her images. She is also a member of F68, an autonomous photographer’s collective. Together with her partner Paul Koenen she runs Studio Zilverlicht.
Artist Statement
During my last years at the academy (2007-2009) I have been primarily focusing on the position a woman holds in society and how I, as a woman, should relate to this. The superficial manner in which a woman is generally being portrayed in the media, mostly emphasising the sexual aspects of her body, fascinates me. Better said, it unsettles me, because it affects the way I look at myself. As a woman good looks seem to be of essence and you need to live up to this certain image which, partially due to the use of digital tools, is not feasible in the real world. For my graduation work I elaborated this theme under the title "Limited".
After the academy I grew weary of the subject and I retreated more. From that moment on I started to primarily photograph landscapes. I would rather be in my own world, then to try and debate how I should abide as a woman in this world. But also to make beautiful things, just because I find them to be just that. To surround myself with environments that make me feel comfortable, devoid of people. Right now I'm working again more on theme basis, as the latest of works will show.
Additionally I went on a quest for different photographic techniques. I have been classically schooled; black-and-white film, darkroom en eventually also digital photography. With the latter I experimented quite a bit but ended up missing something and went back to film; first 35mm and not long after bigger sizes. This in order to challenge myself but also again as an excuse to remain in my own world. When I eventually saw a film of a photographer using a wooden plate camera to take a photo on glass, one of the oldest photographic techniques, it was love on first sight.
Aside from the fact that it allowed me to stay in my own world, I got touched by the melancholic realm that is so characteristic of this old technique. I had, for the very first time, the feeling I had tools at my possession that, also in its form, emphasise the feeling I wish to convey in my work. Besides that the slowness of working with these old techniques has become an objective on its own; the slow pace makes you feel each moment more intense, as opposed to the shallow and volatile world I try to escape from.
2024 Forensic Photography Symposium
2022 Maas Art 3.0 - Create AR & NFT art @ Brightlands Maastricht
2016 Epson academy print workshop by Hans van Ommeren
2015 Leica T Masterclass
2014 Private workshop dry plate collodion & salt printing by Jeroen de Wijs
2013 Symposium “Breekbaar bezit” photography on glass @ FoMu Antwerp
2011 Workshop daguerreotype by Marinus Ortelee @ Pieter Brueghel Veghel
2009 Workshop online wet plate collodion by Quinn Jacobson
2009 Workshop wet plate collodion by Jeroen de Wijs @ Pieter Brueghel Veghel
2004-2009 Higher grade & specialisation photography @ Academy of Fine Arts Hasselt 2001-2004 Photography @ Syntra Hasselt
Solo Exhibitions
2023 “Crapuul in the Church”, Bookshop Dominicanen, Maastricht, NL
2023 “Now you see me, now you don’t, Fotomuseum aan het Vrijthof, Maastricht, NL
2023 “Crapuul in de Kelder”, Transport Artspace, Maastricht, NL
2011 City Hall, Beek, NL
2011 Lumiere Cinema, Maastricht, NL
Group Exhibitions
2024 Leica Gallery Amsterdam, NL
2024 Haute Photographie Rotterdam, NL
2023 Werner Mantz Fotoprijs, Maastricht, NL
2022 Noord Nu, Frederiksoord, NL
2022 Picto Benelux group exhibition during Cultura Nova, Heerlen, NL
2022 Pop-up Expo Fotomuseum, Maastricht, NL
2021 Dutch Mountain Film Festival première at the Royal Theatre, Heerlen, NL
2020 Alter Schlachthof, Eupen, BE
2019 Photofestival Maastricht, NL
2019 Serendipity SASK, Hasselt, BE
2016 Centre Ceramique, Maastricht, NL
2015 Het Jekerhuis, Maastricht, NL
2014 Kunsttour Timmerfabriek, Maastricht, NL
2014 KunstMoes, Heerlen, NL
2013 Musée de la Photographie, Graçay, FR
2013 Aachener Kunstroute Burg Frankenberg, Aachen, DE
2013 Kunsttour Céramique, Maastricht, NL
2012 Galerie Weert, Weert, NL
2012 125 Jaar Villapark, Maastricht, NL
2012 Academiegalerie SASK, Hasselt, BE
2012 Kunsttour Royal Mosa, Maastricht, NL
2012 Hoaf van Heden, Stein, NL
2011 Kunsttour Bastaboot, Maastricht, NL
2011 XIOS, Hasselt, BE
2010 Gallery pH7, Brussels, BE
2010 Summer Festival, Hasselt, BE
2010 Triennial Istanbul, TR
2010 Foire à la Photo, Bièvres, FR
2010 Kunsttour Timmerfabriek, Maastricht, NL
2010 Dissenters’ Gallery, London, UK
2009 't Patronaat, Heerlen, NL
2009 Abbey of Herkenrode, BE
Print: Zout Magazine; SmaakMakend; Puurzaam Gulpener; Silvercreek; Dynamisch Perspectief; Thesis “Computional simulation of alternative photographic processes”; Het belang van Limburg; de Limburger; NRC; Gabriel Fusion Magazine; Fotografisch Geheugen; Basta
Online: Zout op Zaterdag; Analog Forever Magazine; Silvercreek; Photographer's Forum "Best of Photography"'; DigiFoto Pro; Seven by Five Photography Magazine
Podcast/Radio: TV Valkenburg “Kunst werkt”; Radio 1 “nog steeds wakker”; RTV Roermond "Kunstkamer"; Interview for Film Photography Forecast; L1 Radio
2024 Honorable Mention & Jury Top 5 Selection, IPA, with Memento Mori - Professional category Analog / Film / Fineart
2024 Official Selection, IPA, with RAW series, Professional category Editorial / Press-Photo Essay / Feature Story
2024 Shortlisted, Fine Art Photography Awards - Professional category Photojournalism
2023 Longlisted, BBA Photography Prize
2023 Shortlisted, Contemporary Art Prize Vienna
2023 Stipend, GAVE fund
2023 Shortlisted, Werner Mantz Photography Prize
2010 3rd Prize, Photographer’s Forum “Best of Photography”, Category Portraits